Spark-Radiant 1.0.3 is now available!
Spark-Radiant is Apache Spark Performance and Cost Optimizer. The product, Spark-Radiant will help optimize performance and cost considering catalyst optimizer rules, Enhanced Auto-Scaling in Spark, Collecting Important Metrics related to spark job, BloomFilter Index in Spark etc.
The project, Spark Radiant was introduced in my previous blog. The Spark-Radiant 1.0.3 is now available and ready to use. The dependency for Spark-Radiant 1.0.3 is available in maven central. In this blog, I will discuss the availability of Spark-Radiant 1.0.3, and new features added as a part of this release.
How to Use Spark-Radiant-1.0.3 with Spark Jobs ?
For maven projects, use the below dependency in the pom.xml
a) Spark-Radiant is supported with spark-3.0.x and newer version of spark
b) Supported Scala version 2.12.x.
c) Scala, Pyspark, Java, spark-sql support is available with Spark-Radiant-1.0.3.
Running Spark job with Spark-Radiant
Use the published spark-radiant-sql-1.0.3.jar, spark-radiant-core-1.0.3.jar from maven central at runtime while running the spark jobs
./bin/spark-shell --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.3,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.3"./bin/spark-submit
--packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.3,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.3"
--class com.test.spark.examples.SparkTestDF /spark/examples/target/scala-2.12/jars/spark-test_2.12-3.2.0.jar
New Features & Improvement in spark-radiant 1.0.3
a) Metrics Collector : This Metrics Collector is newly added as part of spark-radiant-core module.This helps in getting the overall information about how the Spark Application performed in the various stages and task. This in turn helps in figuring out SLA / RCA in case of any performance degradation and failure in Spark Application.
SparkJobMetricsCollector is used for collecting the important metrics to Spark Job metrics, Stage metrics, Task Metrics(Task Failure info, Task skewness info).
This is enabled by using the configuration --conf spark.extraListeners=com.spark.radiant.core.SparkJobMetricsCollector
and providing the jars in the class path using
Steps to run
./bin/spark-shell --conf spark.extraListeners=com.spark.radiant.core.SparkJobMetricsCollector --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.3,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.3"
Response of the Metrics Collector
Spark-Radiant Metrics Collector
Total Time taken by Application:: 895 sec
*****Driver Metrics*****
Time spend in the Driver: 307 sec
Percentage of time spend in the Driver: 34. Try adding more parallelism to the Spark job for Optimal Performance
*****Stage Info Metrics*****
***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:0 *****
"Stage Id": 0,
"Final Stage Status": succeeded,
"Number of Task": 10,
"Total Executors ran to complete all Task": 2,
"Stage Completion Time": 858 ms,
"Average Task Completion Time": 139 ms
"Number of Task Failed in this Stage": 0
"Few Skew task info in Stage": Skew task in not present in this stage
"Few Failed task info in Stage": Failed task in not present in this stage
***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:1 *****
"Stage Id": 1,
"Final Stage Status": succeeded,
"Number of Task": 10,
"Total Executors ran to complete all Task": 2,
"Stage Completion Time": 53 ms,
"Average Task Completion Time": 9 ms
"Number of Task Failed in this Stage": 0
"Few Skew task info in Stage": Skew task in not present in this stage
"Few Failed task info in Stage": Failed task in not present in this stage
Skew Task info in the Metrics Collector: In case, if skewed tasks are present in the stage. The metrics collector will show the skew task info.
***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:2 *****
"Stage Id": 2,
"Final Stage Status": succeeded,
"Number of Task": 100,
"Total Executors ran to complete all Task": 4,
"Stage Completion Time": 11206 ms,
"Average Task Completion Time": 221 ms
"Number of Task Failed in this Stage": 0
"Few Skew task info in Stage": List({
"Task Id": 0,
"Executor Id": 3,
"Number of records read": 11887,
"Number of shuffle read Record": 11887,
"Number of records write": 0,
"Number of shuffle write Record": 0,
"Task Completion Time": 10656 ms
"Final Status of task": SUCCESS
"Failure Reason for task": NA
}, {
"Task Id": 4,
"Executor Id": 1,
"Number of records read": 11847,
"Number of shuffle read Record": 11847,
"Number of records write": 0,
"Number of shuffle write Record": 0,
"Task Completion Time": 10013 ms
"Final Status of task": SUCCESS
"Failure Reason for task": NA
"Few Failed task info in Stage": Failed task in not present in this stage
Failed Task Info in the Metrics Collector: In case, if failed task is present in the stage. The metrics collector will show the failed task info.
***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:3 *****
"Stage Id": 3,
"Final Stage Status": failed,
"Number of Task": 10,
"Total Executors ran to complete all Task": 2,
"Stage Completion Time": 53 ms,
"Average Task Completion Time": 9 ms
"Number of Task Failed in this Stage": 1
"Few Skew task info in Stage": Skew task in not present in this stage
"Few Failed task info in Stage": List({
"Task Id": 12,
"Executor Id": 1,
"Number of records read in task": 0,
"Number of shuffle read Record in task": 0,
"Number of records write in task": 0,
"Number of shuffle write Record in task": 0,
"Final Status of task": FAILED,
"Task Completion Time": 7 ms,
"Failure Reason for task": java.lang.Exception: Retry Task
at $line14.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw.$anonfun$res0$1(<console>:33)
at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction1$mcII$sp.apply(JFunction1$mcII$
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
b) Add the support for struct type column in the DropDuplicate: Till now on using the struct col in the DropDuplicate we will get the below exception.
case class StructDropDup(c1: Int, c2: Int)
val df = Seq(("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2)),
("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2))).toDF("a", "b")
df.dropDuplicates("a", "b.c1")
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot resolve column name "b.c1" among (a, b) at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.$anonfun$dropDuplicates$1(Dataset.scala:2576) at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$flatMap$1(TraversableLike.scala:245) at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:941)
at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach$(Iterator.scala:941)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1429)
Added the support to use the struct col in the DropDuplicate
import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
case class StructDropDup(c1: Int, c2: Int)
val df = Seq(("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2)),
("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2))).toDF("a", "b")
val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()
val updatedDF = sparkRadiantSqlApi.dropDuplicateOfSpark(df, spark, Seq("a", "b.c1"))
| a| b|
| d1|{1, 2}|
The same support is added in this PR in Apache Spark [SPARK-37596][Spark-SQL] Add the support for struct type column in the DropDuplicate
This works well for the map type column in the dropDuplicate
val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(("d1", Map(1 -> 2)), ("d1", Map(1 -> 2))))val updatedDF = sparkRadiantSqlApi.dropDuplicateOfSpark(df, spark, Seq("_2.1"))
| _1| _2|
| d1|{1 -> 2}|
c) Improvement in Dynamic Filter : There are some new features and improvement added in the Dynamic Filter as a part of spark-radiant 1.0.3
- Dynamic filter support is now available in scala, pyspark, spark-sql, JavaSpark, R. This is done by importing the rule for Dynamic Filter on the catalyst optimizer using spark.sql.extensions.
./bin/spark-shell --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.3,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.3" --conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension
./bin/spark-submit --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.3,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.3" --class com.test.spark.examples.SparkTestDF /spark/examples/target/scala-2.12/jars/spark-test_2.12-3.1.1.jar
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension
2. Support for Dynamic Filter is added in the DataSourceV2 tables and. InMemory Relation.

3. PushDown Dynamic Filter to FileScan for V2 datasource works for ORC and Parquet.This will work with Spark-3.1.1 and later version of spark
4. spark.sql.dynamicFilter.pushdown.allJoinKey — This conf is used to push all the join key values derived from the other side of the join. This will help in exact data-skipping compared to only one key value used for data-skipping. This will provide better performance compared to pushing only one join key value to datasource as the part of pushed filter. The default value is true. This will be available from spark-radiant-sql 1.0.3.
5. Creating a bloomfilter from the RDD in the Dynamic Filter — This will add the improvement in creating the Bloomfilter used as part of Dynamic filter.
For more Information refer the doc .
d) Improvement in Size based Join Reordering : There are some new features and improvement added in the Size Based Join Reordering as a part of Spark-Radiant 1.0.3
- Support for Size based Join Reordering is added in the DataSourceV2 tables.
- Size Based Join Reordering support is available in scala, pyspark, spark-sql, Java, R using the conf.
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension --conf
- Fix the support for size based join reordering when select column of only one table present.

For more Information refer the doc .
e) Improvement in UnionReuseExchangeOptimizeRule :
- Support for UnionReuseExchangeOptimizeRule is added in the DataSourceV2 tables.
- UnionReuseExchangeOptimizeRule support is available in scala, pyspark, spark-sql, Java, R using the conf.
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension
In this blog, I discussed how to use Spark-Radiant 1.0.3. The new features added to the Spark-Radiant 1.0.3 like Metrics Collector in Spark-Radiant, Drop duplicate for struct Type, Improvement in Dynamic filter SizeBasedJoinReOrdering, UnionReUseExchange etc will provide benefits related to Performance and Cost Optimization.
In near future, we will come up with new related blogs. Keep watching this space for more!